Bloom Acai Cafe
Open Daily: 8:30a - 6:00p

Welcome to Bloom Acai Café
Where Health Food Tastes Like Dessert!
At Bloom Acai Cafe, we serve up food that Mother Nature made…
foods that have been around forever and deliver amazing health benefits.
Our bowls are made with delicious superfood sorbets, fruits, made-on-sight nut butters,
and various toppings that are all gluten-free, dairy-free, and plant-based.
Some of our favorites

BASES: Acai, Coconut & Cacao
Granola & Nut Butter choice
FRUIT: Banana, Strawberries,
TOPPINGS: Hemp Seeds & Cacao Nibs

We believe in living life to the fullest, and to do that we need to fuel our body the right way.

Only give reviews if places are exceptionally good or bad, and this was the best acai bowl I’ve ever had…and I lived in Brazil! Loved the base flavors (not overly sweet, great consistency, wonderful flavors), the fruit toppings were so fresh, and all the granolas were gluten free. Please open a location in Kalispell Montana!